F.A.Q. > Non-Negotiables

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Can I drive my player home from away games instead of having them ride the bus?

Yes, you may drive your own son/player home from away games.

You must do the following:

  1. check out with your players head coach (or their designee), at the bus
  2. sign the check out sheet
  3. do not text them or put the message on sportsYou

Am I allowed to take my son's friend home with me, instead of him riding the bus from an away game?

If they rode the bus to the game (required), they must ride the bus back UNLESS:

  1. Parents write a note stating the date, time, name of player, parents and the driver identified (with a phone number) saying they are allowing their child to ride home with another family.
  2. It must be signed by both parents.
  3. It must be signed by an administrator (Principal or Vice Principal)
  4. Give it to your player's head coach by Wednesday of that week.
  5. You still need to check out, after the game, at the bus.

Coaches will not accept notes the day of travel. Their focus needs to be on the game.

Note: This does not apply if buses are not provided and parents coordinate transportation. Please communicate any changes to the coordinating parents.

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